March 30, 2005

Here's To My Brother

I was interviewed by my students in school today for the student newsletter, and they asked me who my favourite person in the world is. I thought about it for a moment, and the answer was clear: My brother, Ming. Coincidentally, today is his birthday. Happy 18th Birthday Ming! He's my biggest supporter and he's probably the only person who always believes in me.

A brief exchange we had over dinner illustrates our relationship well:

Ming: I was going to have lunch with you today, but I ran into a friend. Then I ran into another friend.
PJ: Did you then get out of your car and scream, "Oh no!"
Ming: No, of course, don't be silly. I had lunch first, then I went back and screamed, "Oh no!"
PJ: Ah, of course, silly me.

Posted by pj at March 30, 2005 09:34 PM